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Treatment For Kids

The Right Age To Start Orthodontic Treatment

While there is no exact age for children to begin orthodontic treatment, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends visiting the orthodontist by age seven. At this early age, the jaws are soft and squishy, making it possible for Dr. Michelle to treat unfavorable jaw growth and spacing issues in the least invasive way. This is also the ideal time to treat constricted dental arches and airway problems. Treating children at an early age, before all of the adult teeth are in, is referred to as Interceptive Orthodontics (Phase 1). 

Comprehensive Orthodontics (Phase 2) occurs when all of the adult teeth are in. In this phase, Dr. Michelle is focusing on idealizing the bite and maximizing smile esthetics. 

Treatment For Kids - Girl Smiling

When you bring your youngster in for an initial consultation, Dr. Michelle will recommend the best approach and time to start treatment. If we recommend waiting for treatment, she can enroll your child in our growth and guidance program and will receive free exams at regular intervals until ready for treatment. It’s a great way for you to know your child is getting the best care available and your kids won’t complain about the free ice cream!