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Metal Braces

But Not Like You Remember

Metal braces are still the brackets of choice for the vast majority of our patients. If fact, close to 70% of our patients choose our high-tech metal braces. Allar Orthodontics uses the lowest profile braces available, resulting in maximum comfort for the lips and cheeks. Made of high-grade stainless steel, these braces were carefully selected by Dr. Allar because they straighten your teeth and bite with exceptional precision and accuracy. Plus, our high-quality self-ligating brackets have been shown to require lighter forces while offering greater control, comfort and sliding mechanics. Translation: we focus on comfort and efficiency! 

With the Carriere SLX System, treatment is comfortable and requires fewer office visits, but what really sets this approach apart is something called passive self-ligation.

SLX Smile treatment:
• Lighter forces
• Broad, wide smiles
• No need for headgear
• No unnecessary tooth extractions
• Faster treatment
• Incredible results
Carriere Logo and Brackets

SLX Logo

Straighten your teeth without braces with Carriere SLX Clear Aligners. SLX Aligners are state-of-the-art and offer a virtually invisible treatment approach that lets you eat and drink whatever you want and straightens your teeth without letting the world know you’re in treatment.

SLX Lady
Allar Orthodontics - Parallax Background - Water
Acceledent Logo and Pic


Acceledent Aura

Now you can advance your smile and finish treatment even faster with Acceledent. Tooth movement is stimulated with gentle vibration.